Distracted Driver Auto Accident Lawyer Charlotte NC


Our firm has been fighting to defend the rights of wounded accident victims like you for many years.

Any car accident has the potential to flip your life upside down. If you were harmed, you might be able to collect compensation. Call Yale Haymond Law PLLC at (704) 800-HELP (4357) for a free consultation with a distracted driver auto accident attorney. Our firm understands how valuable your money is in the aftermath of a tragic accident. That is why we will go above and beyond on your behalf to secure a settlement or award. We’ll battle to get you the maximization of the amount of money you’re owed. Even if you drive very cautiously, there is a high possibility you may be involved in a fender bender or an accident in Charlotte, NC. Why? You do not influence how other drivers act behind the wheel. You cannot make other drivers pay attention or obey the law. As a result, accidents occur.

You may, however, reduce your chance of an accident by understanding where accidents are most likely to occur in the city. You may either avoid these hazardous junctions or drive cautiously through them. An unanticipated mishap may be frightening. Regaining your footing may take weeks, if not months. Even then, you may not have healed completely from your injuries. It is possible you will have to live with a painful, debilitating injury for the rest of your life. One of the essential things you can do is seek compensation for your car accident injuries. Even if someone is an attorney, it doesn’t imply they are competent to handle your car accident case. You deserve a law firm that focuses exclusively on personal injury law. That is all Yale Haymond Law PLLC does.


We have assisted numerous accident victims in obtaining much-needed and well-deserved compensation. Our efforts and dedication to our clientele are rewarded. We have successfully collected a great amount in settlements and awards. There’s a reason we’re among the most well-known personal injury lawyers in Charlotte, NC. When you come to us for assistance after a car accident, you may benefit from our expertise and track record of success. Call Yale Haymond Law PLLC to arrange a free consultation and learn more about car accidents in Charlotte. When looking for the finest distracted driver auto accident attorney near you, choose an attorney who has extensive experience preparing and trying car accident cases is critical.

Many lawyers advertise themselves as “trial attorneys,” although they have never actually tried a case. They are more concerned with resolving the matter. Unless the defendants are aware that your attorney is prepared to go to trial, they will most likely never settle the matter for its full worth. If you or someone you know have been harmed tragically in a vehicle accident, you should speak with an attorney. Never provide an oral or written statement to a representative of the defendants’ insurance company. They are not attempting to assist you. If the matter goes to trial, both oral and written statements will be recorded and used against you. The first step is to call a car accident lawyer.


Filing a Personal Injury Insurance Claim

There are nearly as many types of personal injury lawsuits as there are ways to be harmed. Personal injury law encompasses various events, from a vehicle accident to a slip and fall. As a result, no two instances will have the same path or timeframe. A lot relies on the severity of the injuries, the clarity of certain issues—the most important of which is who was at fault—and whether or not an insurance policy covers the event.

  • Check the Insurance Policy: If you’ve been hurt and believe someone else is legally liable, you should find out if that person has insurance that will pay an injury claim you make. Is the other motorist insured after a vehicle accident? Who owns the property if you got injured in a slip and fall, and do they have liability insurance?
  • Choosing a Personal Injury Attorney: Remember that speaking with an attorney does not imply hiring one. Our distracted driver auto accident attorney will gladly offer a free first consultation in which he will review your case’s merits with you and explain your legal alternatives.


Car wrecks are all too frequent in the United States, and most of them are the result of negligence.

Thousands of lives are lost each year due to these terrible car accidents. Because your life may be jeopardized if you drive recklessly, you must drive cautiously and obey all traffic regulations. The most typical reasons why car accidents occur in the United States are listed below. Read attentively to discover what steps you can take right now to avoid them.

Driving While Distracted: Distracted driving is becoming a greater danger each year and has been the top cause of vehicle accidents for decades. Please keep your eyes on the road when driving. That means no phone calls, texting, eating, reading, grooming, or cosmetics application.

Intoxicated Driving: Drunk driving is one of the most hazardous and fatal causes of accidents in the United States. If you’ve had a few drinks, take a cab or hand over your keys to a sober buddy. The danger is not worth it.

Speeding: Although it may be tempting to drive dangerously when you are late, speeding is the second leading cause of accidents, so fight the temptation and remain within the legal limits.

Reckless Driving: Changing lanes too fast, exceeding the speed limit, and behaving aggressively on the road may all lead to disastrous accidents. We highly advise you to take your time and stay cool when driving to prevent unnecessary accidents caused by simple negligence.


Get One of The Best Distracted Driver Auto Accident Attorneys in Charlotte, NC

You’ll need a Charlotte distracted driver auto accident attorney who knows how to deal with insurance companies. Yale Haymond has a lot of experience as a Charlotte injury attorney, and his team will work tirelessly to get the highest compensation for your injuries as soon as possible. We take pride in navigating the North Carolina court system and assisting clients in obtaining fast settlements so they can go back to living their lives.

Yale Haymond Law PLLC represents car accident victims who need assistance navigating the legal system and obtaining appropriate compensation for their injuries and suffering. We realize how upsetting and stressful a vehicle accident can be for victims and their families. We are devoted to ensuring that every car accident victim receives the complete legal counsel they need. If you need a distracted driver auto accident attorney, call us at (704) 800-HELP (4357) to consult regarding your personal injury claim. We are pleased to assist clients in Charlotte, NC, with personal injury claims.